Thursday, August 06, 2015

Ely to Johnson County line segment could be paved by next year

The Gazette reports that the segment of the Hoover Nature Trail that runs from Ely to the Johnson County line "will get federal funding sooner than later." $760,000 in federal aid will be available in FY2016, according to the 2016-19 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program, released by the Iowa Department of Transportation earlier this week. That means a new, paved segment could be ready to ride on early next year.
“By the beginning of summer, end of spring, they could be out there paving the trail,” said Brandon Whyte, a multimodal transportation planner for the Corridor Metropolitan Planning Organization. “That trail construction is extremely quick.”
A draft of the 2016-19 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program is available on the Iowa DOT’s website. The DOT is taking public comments until September 2. Comments can be directed to Matt Chambers at 515-239-1409 or